Painting for Beginners
Thursday, 11th April 2024
Ends on 27th June (no sessions on 2nd May & 6th June)
Gilsland Village Hall, Gilsland, Brampton, CA8 7BE
1.30 – 3.30pm
Sarah Colgate
This course (face to face) is aimed at beginners who wish to try out various painting techniques and improvers who are looking to refresh or develop their painting skills. We shall explore diluted (thin paint) and impasto (thick paint) painting techniques to make use of the versatility of acrylic paints. This will include colour mixing, capturing three-dimensional form through light and dark, texture, composition, etc. with a variety of subjects to include skies, landscapes, still life, etc. The course will be structured around demonstrations and set work.
If you wish to book a place on one or more course(s), please email, telephone or write to us to check there is a space available. Payment details will be given after which we shall hold your place for 3 days to allow you time to pay either by BACS or by cheque. For further details please see Booking.
These will include demonstrations by tutor; individual practice by student; instruction on a group and individual basis; question and answer, constructive feedback, etc.
Painting equipment can be provided, including paints, at the sessions to allow you to try out the medium. Just bring a pencil (HB), notebook, newspaper or plastic table cloth to protect table, apron or similar to protect clothes. For those who have their own you will need a set of good student quality acrylic paints e.g. Winsor & Newton’s ‘Galeria’: Cadmium yellow, Lemon yellow, Prussian blue, Ultramarine, Cadmium red, Alizarin Crimson, white & black. From these 8 colours you should be able to mix most colours. Good quality ‘Bockingford’ watercolour paper (size A4 140lb (300gsm), ‘NOT’ (or cold pressed) surface), a variety of soft nylon watercolour brushes, plastic palette or old china plate or disposable palette, 2 large pots for water, pencil (HB), notebook, newspaper or plastic table cloth to protect table, apron or similar to protect clothes.
£5 towards the cost of paints, etc. (for the 10 weeks).
Street parking is available near the Village Hall. The room will be on the ground floor and there is disabled access. Tea and coffee provided at a small charge.